A Message From the Founders of
Serving With Smiles
"We have been very encouraged by the response about SWS from parents, teenagers and children. They are fired up about being involved with Serving With Smiles. With all the heartache, war and suffering in the world, we sometimes feel helpless. We at SWS think when the tools to help suffering in the world are placed in a child's hands, the world becomes a better place."
"We believe these children will begin to recognize throughout their life the contrast of helpless suffering versus compassionate service and hard work. Their humble gratitude will literally change the world as their impact is felt by those they touch. As we provide relief to those in need, we realize that our passion is to . . .TEACH OUR CHILDREN TO SERVE! And just as a good seed that is planted will mature into a beautiful, fruitful tree, we hope that all our children will have the "good seed" planted in their hearts and spread it throughout the world."
Elizabeth Jeffrey and Corinne Allen
Co-Founders of Serving With Smiles
Hear from our
The Directors of Serving With Smiles are dedicated parents who are committed
to giving children the opportunity to spread goodness throughout the world.
Listen to their stories...
Elizabeth Jeffrey Co-Founder, Projects Manager, Youth Group Director, Blogger
"I learned at a young age how important it is for a child to gain self-worth and confidence from serving others. I remember my parents encouraging me to help after group efforts and secretly taking money to needy families. I also learned from my Grandma how to constantly incorporate service into our daily lives. She was always making quilts for people, making treats for people, giving money to the needy, writing kind letters of encouragement and strongly urging her family members to work hard serving others and giving our lives for good, not selfishness. This example has been deeply imprinted in the fiber of my soul and I am eternally grateful for parents and grandparents who taught me this valuable jewel of lesson: If you want to be happy, immerse yourself in the service of your fellow beings and your God." "When I was in high school, I worked as a life guard at the old Saratoga Springs Water Park in Saratoga Springs, UT. One day, patrolling the warm spring waters, I noticed a family with 2 little girls who had physical abnormalities that I couldn't identify. I started talking to the grandfather of these little girls about them. He told me that both sisters, Jessica and Amber had a rare kind of Leukemia called "aplastic anemia" and what rare odds that both sisters were infected with this horrible disease! He also mentioned that the monetary cost to treat these angels was astronomical and their parents just did not have the funds to pay for all the medical bills. My heart ached for this adorable little family. Right on the spot, I told the Grandpa that my friends and I would figure out a way to help them. I implored the help of a show choir that I was a member of at Lehi High School. Our instructor and all choir members agreed to put on a benefit concert to raise money for these precious girls. We put on the benefit concert and our choir, for the first time performed not for personal glory, but for the benefit of these girls. I saw how united people become when they leave their own personal agendas and reach out to someone else in need. I learned that a spirit of generosity and love can change hearts and reach beyond bounds of logic. Our little choir raised $1,000 for this family. This was just a drop in the bucket, but it was done with love and sincere service. This experience changed my life!" "I went on to Ricks College after I graduated Lehi High School. At the end of my Freshman year, I became the President of a service club on campus called "Serving With Smiles". Our club was quite successful and once again I learned and witnessed how hearts changed and reached out beyond their own personal agendas to help someone else who had a greater or different need. When I was pregnant with our 5th child, I was challenged to figure out what my personal mission in life was. Well, being tired and unable to think beyond taking daily naps and making sure my children were fed, I couldn't imagine that there was much that I could offer society. Besides raising a family, what unique gifts did I have or what unique experiences had I been given that would help our society and neighbors. I honestly could not answer this challenge. I did not know. I kept trying to think of job skills or displayed talents. I came up with nothing. Then my husband asked me, "what just makes you excited and happy? What have you been good at before that has blessed the lives of others?" I thought of my life experiences with service and I knew that Service was the gift that I wanted to share with my children, our society and the world." "I feel so blessed to be a part of Serving with Smiles! I love working with Corinne! We are a great team and I couldn't ask for a better partner! I am especially grateful to work with all the directors who have, like a magnet been attracted to SWS because of their similar life stories and desires for their families. I'm grateful for my husband, Joel and my children for passionately involving themselves. This organization is a light in so much darkness because children are learning valuable lessons of service, hard work, compassion and leadership! These children are already sharing this light with others in their families and with their friends. We have had children report that for their birthday parties, they asked their friends to not bring presents, but bring money to donate towards assembling humanitarian kits and other projects!! That is the coolest thing ever! I love the children of SWS immensely and I feel honored to work along side them!"
Corinne Allen Co-Founder, Kits Manager, Schools Specialist"I was born and raised in central California. When I was 8 my mother, at the age of 28, was diagnosed with breast cancer. My dad usually worked 2 jobs and very long hours to feed our family. I do not remember ever being hungry or feeling like we had nothing, but I do remember knowing and realizing that times were tough. Our circumstances being what they were, my first memory of true compassionate service was on the receiving end." "Late one evening, there was a knock at our door about a week before Christmas. Dad opened the door, with four curious little girls trailing behind him. When we peeked outside, we saw a very large box but no visitors. It was to heavy for my dad to carry in, so we opened it on the front porch. Inside were four of the most beautiful homemade dolls I had ever seen, and one of them had my name on it. The box was filled with gifts, most of them wrapped, except for the dolls. I remember the joy I felt at this surprise. I wrapped my new doll in my arms, I loved her at first sight. I remember the tears in my parents' eyes. We placed the wrapped gifts carefully around the tree and all sat down together in the front room. My parents expressed there gratitude for the gifts and for the anonymous gift givers and encouraged us to do the same. I remember feeling like they must have been very nice people that magically knew that we had nothing for Christmas. And even as a little child, wondering who would take so much time and effort to give our family these gifts for FREE! And then knowing it had to be someone who loved and cared for us very much . . . and then wondering if they were angels." "We had more experiences like that growing up, but this particular one made a big impression on me. I wanted to do for others what had been done for me. Knowing how much these “angels” helped me and the joy they brought into my life, I knew I wanted to do that for someone else. Through the years I have gained a strong desire to serve. I have had wonderful examples through out my life that have fueled this fire within me. Loving parents, grandparents, school teachers, and church leaders have all played a role. They taught me gratitude. To look around me and see the beauty, to count my blessings, and then to quickly share them. I have learned that small things, can have a giant ripple effect and change lives. I know I am happier when I am serving others instead of being engulfed in myself or feeling sorry for myself. I believe it is the perfect cure in both of those circumstances." "In a more recent experience, I have again had the opportunity to be on the receiving end, that has inspired one of our projects at Serving With Smiles. In March of this year, I delivered a still born baby girl. Amiss all the many other emotions and feelings I do remember having some anxiety about what we would bury our little girl in and what would we even hold her with, since we brought no baby blankets with us to the hospital. The situation was all so sudden and we had no time to plan. As soon as she came, the nurse handed me a precious tiny pink blanket and a small little wrap for her tiny body. Where had these items come from? Again I thought…..was it angels? Yes it was and the angels can be any one of us if we choose. Someone had taken a little piece of their time, made those blankets for someone else like me who needed them, and donated them to the hospital. This experience opened my eyes even more to the way I wanted to live my life. We now teach children ages 10 and up at Serving with Smiles to sew preemie and stillborn blankets to donate to hospitals locally and around the world." "I love to serve. I do it as much as I can, and I try to teach my five beautiful children as much as I can. No matter where I live there are always people in need. I feel a responsibility to do my best, to seek them out near and far, that my family and I and this rising generation might be angels to them."
Marilee Cole - Treasurer & SWS youth group director
"I love Serving With Smiles. I graduated from college with a Bachelor's in Social Work and I have always loved helping people. As the mother of four children, I wanted to instill that love for service in them."
"Serving With Smiles has the perfect way to do that! My children love doing the projects! I really enjoy being involved in the SWS organization. I love how it helps those in need and gives children an opportunity to feel the blessings of service and to learn to look beyond themselves."

Mark Allen - Director of supporting Corinne
Aubrie Huggard - Registration Director & School liaison
"Service is something that has come naturally to me since I can remember. I think it is because of my unique family situation. I am the oldest of five children, I have a brother that is three years younger (James) and a sister that is 14 years younger than me (Annie) that both have Down Syndrome. I feel it is a privilege to be their older sister and have the many unique responsibilities that come along with being their sibling. I think that this has made me more empathic toward others in need."
"Another life experience that has strengthened my desire to serve others was when I was 15 years old, my father was killed in tragic farming accident on our family farm in Cedar Valley, Utah. It was and still is a very difficult thing for my family. My sister Annie was two years old at the time and wasn't even walking yet because of her poor muscle tone which is symptomatic with Down Syndrome. My dad would carry her every where we went as a family because she was so heavy, not being able to sustain her own body weight because of poor muscle tone. After his death, my mom wondered how she would carry her on her own. I remember carrying her a lot as did my brothers (Joseph and Evan) to ease the load on my mom. I didn't really think of it as service until years later my mom now talks about how that eased her physical burden so much."
"A few years later I entered the Miss Lehi Pageant where we had to come up with a service platform. I chose something that was near and dear to my heart, which was a bereavement group for kids who had lost a parent. It felt so good inside to help others who had been through what I had been through deal with their grief. It sparked a love in me for others who had dealt with tragedy and a want to serve them."
"As a young mother I have thought of different ways I could instill in my children a love to serve others. I have taken them with me to deliver meals to those who are sick or in need. We have performed many sub for Santas over the past few Christmas's and other small acts of service, but I was looking for a way to reach outside of our little town and help others who may not live here but need our help as much or more. When my dearest friends Liz and Corinne told me about this group that they organized called "Serving with Smiles" children healing the world, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get involved and help others. "Because I have been given much, I, too, must give" is a line from one of my favorite songs. I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve and to teach my children about service by giving it to those who may need it the very most."

Annette Steed Origami Director & Youth Group Hostess |
Laura Winters - Quilting Director |
Jenny Thueson - Gecko Director
Shauna West - Sewing Director
"Shauna was born and raised in Provo, Utah. She graduated from Timpview High School and later attended Utah Valley University and Brigham Young University. She served an 18 month mission for her church to Lansing, Michigan where she saw how service can change people for the better. After having four children of her own, she felt the need for teaching them how to think beyond themselves and to serve others. Joining up with Serving With Smiles has been one way to help fulfill that need and teach the children about others in the world. Shauna resides in American Fork, Utah with her husband, Aaron and their four children."
Kathy Diether - Sewing Director
I grew up in Provo. I learned to sew at a young age. I graduated from BYU with a bachelors degree in Clothing and Textiles. I am married and we are blessed to have six children, 5 boys and 1 girl. I have a strong desire to teach my children the love and joy of serving. I also enjoy teaching sewing lessons. I found the perfect opportunity with Serving With Smiles: I get to combine teaching sewing with serving alongside my children. I started SWS in 2013.
Tonia Gray - ABC Books Director
Erin Brown - Baby Cloth Dolls Director
Julia Woolf - Value Bracelets Director
Selena Hreinson - ABC Picture Books Director
SWS Directors Hall of Fame!
Laura Fletcher - Gecko Director 2019-2023
I grew up in a small town in Chehalis Washington with 9 siblings. My mother was always involved in our little town and ward doing service. She would involve me in her making and delivering of meals to the new moms, grieving families, or the sick. She would have us go through our clothes and find ones we weren’t wearing any more and give them to a needy family. She loved to serve.
So I tried to teach my children that too. Through the years we tried to do whatever we could but wished there was some place we could be more effective and consistent at serving.. It was wonderful when a few years ago I saw a flier for Serving with Smiles. I have enjoyed working with Elizabeth and Corinne and feeling their great love for others along with the other wonderful people who serve there and the amazing youth. Great place to serve.
Amy Garner - Quilting Director. 2007-2019 |
"I am the mother of 6 children. The oldest is 29 and the youngest is 14. When my older children were quite young I was moved by a particular scripture. "But ye will teach [your children] to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another." I wanted my children to learn to serve each other and those around them, and to find joy in serving. My children and I started doing a monthly service project and the goal was to always perform the act of service in secret. We called our our little group "The Secret Service". But, despite my worthy desire, the hectic pace of life got in the way, and after several months, our little service group fizzled out. I felt bad. I felt strongly about heeding the counsel I'd read in the scriptures, but frequently felt overwhelmed, and was unsure of where to have them go or what to have them do to offer service."
"So when the flyer for an upcoming Serving With Smiles project came to our house I was desirous to look into it. My children and I have been coming to the monthly projects for over a year now, and it has truly been an answer to prayer because the projects are planned out and organized for us. My children look forward to coming each month, and I have the great satisfaction of knowing they are learning to love and serve one another; serving and giving to others who have so much less than they."
"I am so grateful to Elizabeth and Corinne who not only had the vision and desire to teach their children the value of service, but also the courage and tenacity to continue on with that vision and allow others to join them in their mission to help children save the world."
Suzanne Rogers. 2008-2016 |
Kristianne Hampton. 2007-2020 |
Tyler Rogers. Inventory Specialist - 2008-2016 |
JoLynn Rice. Hat Loom Director - 2008-2012 |
Elaine Corbridge. Field Work & Inventory Specialist. 2010-2018 |
Rich Corbridge. SWS data site extraordinaire. 2009-2021

| (Left) Andrea Walters & (right) Valerie Herzog - Registration & setup specialists. 2007-2017 |
Setup and takedown helper |

Carol Anderegg - Picture Books Director. 2008-2021
Adam Anderegg - Film & Photo. 2008-2021 |
Kim Swallow - SWS blog creator. 2008-2011
I am a wife and mother of 3 wonderfully spirited children. I grew up in California and later moved to Utah where I graduated from Brigham Young University and BYU Law School. After a year at a "big firm" I worked with BYU's International Center for Law & Religion Studies on human rights and religious freedom issues. Later I joined a small law firm and worked part-time in the areas of adoption and estate planning. While I found these areas of my work very rewarding I chose to leave the practice of law and focus my full-time efforts on motherhood. While I still do legal work on occasion, I have spent the past several years as a homemaker and sought to find ways to continue to serve. Over the years I especially had been looking for meaningful ways to serve while including my young children also. While in law school and in legal practice, I volunteered weekly at a local soup kitchen and wanted to continue to be involved with this and other programs but it was difficult to find ways for my children to get involved in charity work since often it seemed that only teens and adults were welcome.
I joined the Serving With Smiles family in the summer of 2008 when my husband showed me an article in our local newspaper about Liz, Corinne and Serving With Smiles. My husband's comment to me was that it sounded just like what I was working on and I should get in touch with them. I did just that and boy, am I glad I did!