Serving With Smiles at School

How can I be useful? Of what service can I be? There is something inside me, what can it be?”-Vincent Van Gogh

Many parents and teachers have asked about how to bring Serving With Smiles into their schools. We are excited to offer Serving With Smiles at School and here is an itemized list of things we would love for your school to donate!  
 Color Pencils, Crayons and small notebooks (4”x6”).  
If you’d like us to provide an instructional assembly to teach the children about humanitarian work and making a difference in the world, contact Corinne Allen  If you’d just like to provide SWS with item donations via a school drive, we’d so appreciate it!  

The Amazing Service Club at Shelley Elementary!

In 2012 they collected thousands of band aids and hundreds of crayons! 

In 2013 the collected over 1000 toothbrushes and toothpastes!

In 2014 they collected 1023 bars of soap and almost 1000 washcloths!

What We Do:
Provide your school with an opportunity for the student body to be involved in service/humanitarian oriented activity.
Our Vision:
We can get a lot of things done when we work together. Children can get a lot of things done when given the tools. We come with a plan and the student council (parent committee) carries it out. Your student body, teachers, and families will collect items throughout a specific week  that pertain to humanitarian kits. (hygiene, school or newborn kits) Example: a school kit includes pencils, notebook paper, colored pencils, eraser, scissors, and a ruler. The student council is given leadership skills by coming up with a plan to accomplish this task with help from staff members or parent helpers. All the items that are brought in to your school will then be taken to Serving With Smiles where it will be assembled by children at our projects and taken to places in need locally and throughout the world. We have watched schools grow in unity and awareness, teachers be inspired, families work together for a good cause, our precious children being taught and seeing right before our eyes…them learning the values and principles of hard work, compassion and leadership by doing.
What We Provide in the Process:
  1. (Optional) A slide show presentation that tells the story of other children less fortunate than most of us that live in our area, and shares natural disaster stories. It also gives them a chance to “see outside the box” and hopefully give them feelings of gratitude for what they have. The hope is to also give them a desire to want to help and serve and know that they have something to offer.
    B. Instruction to student council on how to carry out their responsibilities.
    1. Name the schools program for their own
    1. A skit to perform before the slide show presentation. (optional)
    2. A collection process for the items. (Are they going to be collected in one central location, in every classroom, or in a few different places?) Also where, when, and how SWS is going to pick-up items.
    3. A fun way to get the student body involved and motivated. (rewards, contests, etc.)
    4. A marketing plan. How are we going to let the student body what and when we are collecting? (Announcements, posters, newsletters, flyers, etc.)
  1. (optional) Flyers sent home from SWS for an invitation to the Serving With Smiles Projects. These are held 4 times a year.  Children ages 6-18 come and assemble humanitarian kits and perform other various projects such as quilting, hat looms, bead geckos, ABC books, picture books, and baby blocks.
For more information contact Corinne Allen at