Toy Bead Gecko Instructions from
“As always, remember that quality is more important than quantity!”
Toy Bead Gecko Instructions from
“Serving With Smiles, Children Saving The World”
Supplies needed:
• Pony beads. 42 of (X) color & 23 of (0) color. Colors of your choice.
• Canvas type nylon, cotton cording or thin ribbon cut 45” long.
• If using nylon, melt ends with lighter and pinch before it cools.
• If using cotton, use elmer’s glue and 2 lg. eyed craft needles.
• Round toothpicks.
We would gladly accept any gecko bead donations you have made! Thank you!
This is a great picture to follow if you're a visual person. If you like instructions, see below |
• Row 1 & 2 – Thread on 3 beads of the “X” color and affix to center. Take thread end on the right side and feed backwards through 2 end beads. This forms the nose and row 2.
• Row 3 – On left side, thread on 0X0. Then take right side and go backwards through the same three beads. Pull towards nose. Slide in a toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 4 – On left side thread on XXX. Take right side and go backwards through the same 3 beads. Pull towards nose. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 5 – On left side thread on XX. Take the right side and go backwards through the same 3 beads. Pull towards nose. Slide in a toothpick & tighten strings.
• Row 6 & 7 – On the left side thread on XXX000. Take the SAME thread skip the 000’s and thread backwards through the XXX’s. Pull toward head you have made. Repeat on right side.
• Row 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12. Thread same as row 4 with the following beads in each row:
• Row 8 – X0X. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 9 – X00X. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 10 – X000X Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 11 – X00X. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 12 – X0X Repeat rows 6 &7
• Row 14 XX
• Rows 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 thread just one X bead per row.
• Before you tie off ends, tighten everything snug. Toothpicks will help enforce this.
• Tie off ends with a square knot – and-a-half (left over right, right over left, left over right again)
• Pull out toothpicks
• Put a bit of glue on knot and rub into the fibers with your fingers.
• If you use a cotton thread, put elmer’s glue on both ends of thread & rub in. This prevents fraying.