Bead Toy Geckos

Toy Bead Gecko Instructions from
“Serving With Smiles, Children Saving The World”
“As always, remember that quality is more important than quantity!”

Toy Bead Gecko Instructions from
“Serving With Smiles, Children Saving The World”

Supplies needed:
• Pony beads. 42 of (X) color & 23 of (0) color. Colors of your choice.
• Canvas type nylon, cotton cording or thin ribbon cut 45” long.
• If using nylon, melt ends with lighter and pinch before it cools.
• If using cotton, use elmer’s glue and 2 lg. eyed craft needles.
• Round toothpicks.

We would gladly accept any gecko bead donations you have made! Thank you!


This is a great picture to follow if you're a visual person.
If you like instructions, see below

• Row 1 & 2 – Thread on 3 beads of the “X” color and affix to center. Take thread end on the right side and feed backwards through 2 end beads. This forms the nose and row 2.
• Row 3 – On left side, thread on 0X0. Then take right side and go backwards through the same three beads. Pull towards nose. Slide in a toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 4 – On left side thread on XXX. Take right side and go backwards through the same 3 beads. Pull towards nose. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 5 – On left side thread on XX. Take the right side and go backwards through the same 3 beads. Pull towards nose. Slide in a toothpick & tighten strings.
• Row 6 & 7 – On the left side thread on XXX000. Take the SAME thread skip the 000’s and thread backwards through the XXX’s. Pull toward head you have made. Repeat on right side.
• Row 8, 9 , 10, 11, 12. Thread same as row 4 with the following beads in each row:
• Row 8 – X0X. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 9 – X00X. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 10 – X000X Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 11 – X00X. Slide in toothpick and tighten strings.
• Row 12 – X0X Repeat rows 6 &7
• Row 14 XX
• Rows 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 thread just one X bead per row.

• Before you tie off ends, tighten everything snug. Toothpicks will help enforce this.
• Tie off ends with a square knot – and-a-half (left over right, right over left, left over right again)
• Pull out toothpicks
• Put a bit of glue on knot and rub into the fibers with your fingers.
• If you use a cotton thread, put elmer’s glue on both ends of thread & rub in. This prevents fraying.